Valentines Day - The Stats [Infographic]

Valentines Day - The Stats [Infographic]

Valentines Day - The Stats [Infographic]

The season of love is upon us and more than half of Brits are expected to part with over £1 billion of their hard-earned cash in the name of love. While the usual gift arsenal of cards, flowers and chocolate still apply, three quarters of Brits think this is not enough and 80% of women would rather receive an one-off exciting experience as a gift, with the top two requests on the list being weekends away - 51% wishing for a weekend abroad and 33% for a city break in the UK. In the era of technology and instant access, expectations run high.

Feeling the cynicism creep in? There is no need to despair. Valentine’s Day isn’t just about celebrating love if you are part of a couple. In many cultures it is also about celebrating friendship and love in general. In the UK, 5% of all Valentine’s Day Cards are bought for children, 4% for friends and 3% for parents. In America even pets get a slice of the action, with 21% receiving a Valentine’s Day gift. Whether you are single or part of couple, there is no need to sit out of this dance. Everyone likes a little loving, so go forth and spread the love.

We've compiled this handy Valentines Day Infographic:

Citybase Valentines Infographic






























































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