The Essential Guide to Understanding British Slang

The Essential Guide to Understanding British Slang

The Essential Guide to Understanding British Slang

The essential guide to understanding British Slang

For a little country that's around 40 times smaller than the USA its amazing how much local dialect and slang terms vary across the UK.

Overflowing with local accents and sayings - words can quite literally change meaning if you drive a few miles up or down the road.  With each city having its own slang terms it can be quite daunting to understand the different meanings.  But never fear, there's no need to be a dunderhead or a nawse -  Citybase have travelled the length and breadth of the country covering Weegie words in Glasgow, Geordie phrases from Newcastle, Scouse sayings in Liverpool, Brummie lingo from Birmingham and Cockney slang in London.

So, whether you and your fella are having a few bevvies in Scouse-land or your heading to London Town to have a bubble bath with your china plates our guide to British slang will have you speaking like a local in no time.


Speak Like A Local


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