City Travel Habits with Serviced Apartments [INFOGRAPHIC]
City Travel Habits with Serviced Apartments [INFOGRAPHIC]
When you go away on holiday or a city break, how do you normally share your experiences with your friends and family? If you're anything like me you'll be snap happy with your camera, uploading each and every moment straight to your Facebook page! We asked over 1,000 of our serviced apartment leisure customers the same question and perhaps surprisingly considering the rise in social media, our survey actually showed that sharing travel experiences in person after a trip was the most popular way of sharing your travel stories. 57% of respondents said they share experiences in person after a trip, compared to 41% who said they share experiences on social media on their return. In fact only 44% are like me and share their experiences on social media during their trip.
And that's not the only thing our survey uncovered. We asked our leisure customers about their city travel habits and this is what they revealed:
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So what do you think? Is this a true reflection of your own travel habits? We'd love to hear from you...